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What is The Lifecycle and Maintenance of Commercial Roofs?

Written by Zach Reece | Apr 12, 2024 6:12:00 PM

Keep your commercial roof in top shape by deciding now: do you want to tackle issues as they appear, or do you want to take steps to prevent them later?

At first glance, waiting might seem simpler, but it can end up being more expensive and disruptive with unexpected repairs. Regular check-ups and maintenance can save thousands or hundreds of thousands of dollars in the long run and also extend your roof's life. It's like car maintenance; you can stop putting oil in it, but a new motor costs more than occasionally getting an oil change.

I'll guide you through really important steps and strategies for these commercial roofing problems, which will help you make your roof more efficient, safer, and tough by focusing on preventative care rather than reacting to emergencies.

Let's get into it and talk about some of these factors!

How Do You Determine Your Roof's Lifespan?

To make sure your commercial roof lasts as long as possible, start with two big things: using quality parts and getting a top team for the installation. It's like making sure your roof has a strong foundation - both literally and figuratively.

Let's talk about parts. TPO roofing is a solid choice, lasting 20-30 years if you take good care of it. If you're looking for something even tougher, EPDM roofing might be up your alley, possibly lasting over 30 years. Metal roofs, with the right care and installation, can shine for more than 30 years. It all comes down to this: picking the right material is important.

But I'm talking about what your roof is made of. Who puts it up is just as important. Make the smart move by choosing well-known roofing pros when installing your new roof. Sure, it might cost a bit more upfront, but it's an investment that pays off by adding years to your roof's life and, finally, saving you cash down the line.

Introducing where you are in the world. Your location and the local weather can have a big say in how well your roof holds up. Roofs in places that face extreme heat or lots of rain might not hit those high-year marks like those in gentler climates.

Upkeep is also part of the equation. The National Roofing Contractors Association tells us regular maintenance is important to keep your roof in prime shape. Think of it as giving your building regular health checks. This keeps your roof looking good and makes sure you're not voiding your warranty. Catching small issues early can save you from big headaches and costs later on.

Putting your money into quality parts, skilled installation and ongoing maintenance is a smart strategy. It boosts your roof's lifespan and is a clever investment in your property's future. Regular check-ups for your roof? Absolutely. They're as important as they sound for keeping things running smoothly.

How Long Do Common Roofing Parts Last?

Picking the right material for your business's roof is a look - it's about finding something tough that won't demand too much attention or money down the road. It's smart to think about how much you're willing to spend both but over time. A bad choice in roofing can really thin out your wallet, thanks to all those repairs, and you may need a new one sooner than you'd like.

If we're talking about keeping things budget-friendly without skimping on quality, you might want to look into single-ply roofing options like TPO and PVC. Businesses love these because they hit the sweet spot of lasting a good 20 to 30 years without costing an arm and a leg. But, a heads up, their awesome durability is really down to making sure they're installed right, and you're on top of regular check-ups and little fixes.

Then there's EPDM roofing. It's a bit more kind to your upfront budget and does the job for about 10 to 15 years. Though it's lighter on your wallet, you might find yourself spending more later on upkeep or swapping it out.

For those of you looking at the long haul and maybe a bit more foot traffic on the roof, modified bitumen and built-up roofing are your favorite. They're in for the long run, with lifespans of 10 to 20 and 15 to 20 years in that order. Built-up roofing, with its layer-upon-layer technique, is especially tough, which makes it a solid choice for places that need to take a bit more wear and tear.

Metal roofs? They're the heavyweights. Lasting a whopping 40 to 60 years, they're a prime pick for any commercial property. They come with a steeper price tag upfront, but for that amount of time, they're practically a steal with how little they ask for in maintenance and how well they stand up to bad weather.

Remember silicone roof coatings, either. They're pretty neat for giving your roof an extra 20 years without the drama of having to replace it.

So, when it comes down to choosing your roof, think about how much you're ready to spend initially, how you want it to look, how much TLC you can give it, and how long you need it to last.

Schedule Regular Maintenance for Longevity

Keeping your commercial roof in great shape is staying ahead of the game. Rather than waiting for problems to pop up, it's much smarter to keep a close eye on things regularly. Imagine I'm walking you through the ins and outs of making sure your roof both stays okay, but actually thrives, with a mix of what I've learned and some tried-and-true tactics.

First off, regular check-ups are non-negotiable. Want to give your roof a complete once-over at least twice a year, going for spring and fall? These seasons are your best bet for catching any pesky issues early. And don't let your guard down after any rough weather; storms have a knack for leaving behind surprises that, if ignored, could lead to big headaches. When you're doing these check-ups, especially on bigger roofs, make it a point to scrutinize every nook and cranny, from the edges to those difficult penetrations, to make sure everything's holding up.

Custom checklists are your assistant here. Depending on whether you're dealing with a built-up, single-ply, or modified bitumen roof, these checklists are your game plan to make sure no stone is left unturned during inspections, and any concerns are dealt with quickly - saving you from forking out on steep repairs later. Pay extra attention to how well your roof is draining, the state of its edges, and the surface condition.

And, while you're at it, think about how you can make your roof work for you. Adding reflective coatings, to give you an example, can slash cooling costs and extend your roof's life. Keeping complete maintenance logs is also a smart move. These logs are super useful for future care and super useful if you ever need to make a warranty claim.

Believe it or not, keeping things clean up there does wonders. I'm talking about appearances; a clean roof reflects heat more efficiently. Plus, it makes sure good insulation and ventilation are a comfort; it's about being kind to your wallet by lowering energy costs and stopping moisture issues in their tracks.

Got standing water? Keep those gutters and downspouts clear to encourage water to find its way off your roof, not settle on it. Sometimes, you might need to change the roof's slope or add more drains alongside regular gutter care. Stopping water damage in its tracks and keeping your roof in prime condition.

Treating your roof maintenance like you would car maintenance makes a world of difference in dodging those big, expensive repairs later. Stick with these pointers, and your commercial roof won't just be in good shape; it'll be set to impress, protecting your investment and sparing you from unnecessary stress.

How to Take Preventative Measures

Commercial buildings have their own kind of roofs, different from what you'd find on a house, and they definitely need their own type of TLC. These roofs come in a bunch of different styles and are made from various parts - each with its own set of rules for keeping them in great shape. Let's talk about how we can keep these roofs looking good and working well.

You have your metal, bitumen, rubber (EPDM), and thermoplastics (like PVC and TPO) making up a lot of the commercial roofing scene. They're all over the map in terms of how long they'll last and what kind of love they need. Take metal roofs; these champs can keep going strong for up to 40 years if you treat them right, thanks to their knack for laughing in the face of bad weather. Bitumen and rubber roofs need a bit more of a gentle touch but can stick around for 20 to 30 years. And those thermoplastic roofs? They're in it for the long haul, too, with a special talent for kicking UV rays and chemicals to the curb.

Making sure your roof gets a regular check-up is important to a long and leak-free life. Schedule some quality time with your roof in spring and fall to spot any trouble early on. Keeping those gutters and drains free and clear to dodge leaks and avoid water drama. And after any big storm, giving your roof a once-over can stop bigger headaches down the road.

When it comes to repairs, speed is your friend. Taking care of a small issue promptly can keep it from turning into a big, wallet-emptying problem. Whether we're talking about a tiny drip or something more serious, getting on it ASAP is the way to go. Honestly, fixing things fast can save you a ton of stress and cash.

At the end of the day, getting to know what your commercial roof needs and sticking to a solid maintenance schedule is the magic formula for a long and happy roof life. Sure, it might feel like a chore at times, but putting in a bit of effort now means you're setting yourself up for big savings and a lot less trouble later on.

What Should You Do in a Commercial Roof Emergency?

Looking after your commercial roof now can save you a heap of trouble down the road. It's a good move to give your roof a complete check at least twice a year. Catching those little issues early can prevent them from turning into big headaches later on.

Spotted a leak or some damage? Jump on those repairs fast. It's important to keep bigger, scarier problems at a distance. Also, keeping gutters and drains free of debris means water can flee the scene easily, avoiding drama during storm season. This simple step goes a long way in keeping your roof happy when the rain pours.

After any rough weather, like hurricanes or serious windstorms, take a moment to inspect your roof for damage. Finishing any issues promptly can save you from future expensive repairs. But remember, climbing on your roof right after extreme weather might not be the safest move. When it comes to checking and fixing your roof, calling in the pros is commonly the best play.

Choosing certified experts for your roof's upkeep will make sure it stays in fighting shape, ready to face whatever Mother Nature throws at it.

In colder climates, don't let snow and ice hang around on your roof. Clearing it off can prevent issues like ice dams and damage from the weight of all that snow. Plus, keeping your roof well-ventilated is important to prevent moisture buildup that can lead to mold and even weaken your roof's structure.

Having an emergency plan for your roof is smart, so you're always a step ahead of whatever twist the weather might throw your way. Keeping an eye on the weather forecast can also help you make for storms and shield your roof from damage.

From my perspective, taking these proactive steps both shields your building saves you money by dodging expensive repairs down the line. Think of it as investing in your property's future.

Why Hiring Qualified Contractors Matters

Keeping your commercial roof in shape is a check on your to-do list; it's about making sure people inside your building are safe and sound and your operations run smoothly. Going for pros in the roofing game can make a huge difference. They're your favorite for everything from putting a new roof on to regular check-ups and fixing things up right when needed. This smart move both puts a patch on issues, makes your roof last longer, and beefs up your building's defense.

I really recommend that all building owners get on board with a maintenance plan from a roofing company that knows its things. It's like having a guardian angel for your roof, keeping a close eye on it, and making sure it stays in great shape. This forward-thinking technique nips potential problems in the bud and keeps the big, scary issues at a distance.

First off, tapping into the know-how of expert roofers means tiny problems get squashed before they blow up into major, bank-breaking ordeals. Plus, this kind of TLC for your roof can keep it over your head way longer than you'd think, helping dodge the cost and hassle of getting a whole new roof before it's really time.

And I'm talking about the roof over your head. Proper roof care keeps the indoors comfortable and dry, which means leaks won't rain on your parade, you can save some money on heating and cooling, and you can kiss the risk of mold goodbye.

Remember the rules and regulations. The roofing pros have information on all the local building codes and safety standards, which ensures that your roof has many uses beyond being sturdy on the right side of the law and dodging fines and hazards.

In short, the expertise, tools, and brainpower these roofing wizards bring to the table cover all the bases - from complete checks to quick fixes, they're absolutely important for owners who want their buildings safe, secure, and saving money in the long run.

Plan for the Future

Planning ahead is important for taking care of commercial roofs. By keeping an eye on the future, you can better look at your roof's lifespan, especially if you're considering adding something like solar panels. It's important that your roof can support these additions for their entire lifespan.

Addressing roof maintenance proactively is a wise choice. Dealing with minor issues promptly prevents them from escalating into major problems, extending your roof's lifespan and saving you money. Regular maintenance is useful; it's an investment in your roof's longevity and your wallet.

At Colony Roofers, our expertise spans both commercial and residential roofing across Georgia, Florida, and Texas. Our aim is to protect your investment and ensure your safety. Building trust is important to us, starting with a complimentary inspection from our roofing specialists.

Handling maintenance for your commercial roof may seem a bit scary, but with the right team, it's very achievable. If you're unsure, trust a trusted roofing pro like Colony Roofers. We offer expert advice, repairs, and installation services. Reach out today to keep your roof in prime condition.