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Leaking Chimney During Rain: What Should You Do Next?

Written by Zach Reece | May 17, 2024 3:18:00 PM

Have you ever seen water dripping from your chimney when it rains? It's one of those unexpected events that might surprise you. I'm here to help you understand why dealing with chimney leaks early is important. It can save you from a big headache, but it also helps you avoid expensive repairs later.

We'll look at the signs of a leak and both quick fixes and more long-term solutions. My goal is to keep your home cozy and your chimney in top shape.

Let's make sure your fireside gatherings stay dry and comfy. Are you ready to start? Here we go!

First, Find the Source of the Leak

When you think your chimney might be leaking during a storm the first thing you're going to want to do is find out where that leak is coming from. Finding the source of the leak in your home can be a bit annoying but is really needed. The most common problems are usually the chimney crown flashing chimney cap and the masonry itself - these parts usually show typical signs of damage. You will need to look closely at each.

Your first checkpoint should be the chimney cap at the top. It should be in good condition and fit snugly - otherwise it almost lets rain enter. Should the cap appear damaged or missing you should fix or replace it quickly to prevent more water from entering.

Beneath that you'll find the chimney crown and you might be surprised by how small cracks can let a lot of water enter. If you notice any damage it's probably best to hire an expert to fix or replace it to make sure the job is done correctly and stays waterproof.

The flashing - the metal strips that seal the connection between the chimney and your roof - is your next stop. A bad installation or old rusty flashing could be the reason for water seepage. Here, it might be a good idea to hire an expert roofer. They can either replace or fix the flashing to make sure it has a tight seal.

Think about the actual chimney masonry. The bricks and mortar holding them together can become porous over time and start absorbing water, which leads to leaks. When checking here, look for any obvious signs of wear, like cracks or missing chunks. You might need to perform some tuckpointing, which means fixing the mortar to keep your chimney strong and leak-free.

Also, check the chimney's lining and the shoulders. Some older chimneys have clay linings that might be deteriorating, so upgrading to a tougher material like stainless steel could be a good move. If there's damage to the chimney shoulders, fixing it is important to prevent water from penetrating weak places.

Every step, from installing a new cap to fixing the masonry, plays an important job in protecting against rain and keeping your chimney in excellent condition. In my opinion, investing the time to address each problem individually is far better than dealing with a bigger issue later on.

Apply Temporary Fixes

When it suddenly started pouring, and my chimney began to leak, I was completely caught off guard. I quickly grabbed a heavy-duty tarp to cover the area on the roof around the chimney. I usually secure the tarp with bricks or something heavy - making sure it extends well beyond the leaking part - to prevent water from sneaking underneath.

After returning inside, I opted for the easy answer of placing buckets and towels around to catch the drips. This helped keep my floors and furniture dry. It is very important to address leaks promptly because delaying repairs can lead to important water damage.

If you can find where the water is getting in, applying a temporary patch would be a wise decision. I once used roofing tape from the attic - an especially useful choice since the harsh weather made it unsafe to go up on the roof. Picking a tape that matches your local weather conditions is really important.

You can see in this YouTube tutorial that applying a turbo poly seal topped with a fleece layer is a decent temporary answer for fixing chimney flashing. This method might sound difficult. But it is easy and really strengthens the area against water.

But remember, these are only temporary solutions. It is a good idea to have an expert inspect and make the right repairs as soon as possible. Temporary fixes can give you some relief and peace of mind for a while. Dealing with these issues can be stressful, but by taking these steps, you can really help keep your home safe and dry.

Think About Long-Term Solutions

I totally understand why it's important to look after your chimney sooner rather than later. From my experience, keeping up with chimney maintenance can really save you a lot of trouble later on. It's a good idea to get into the schedule of having your chimney checked annually. Doing this is like a quick health check-up for your chimney to notice any small issues - like cracks in the bricks or deteriorating mortar - before they turn into big problems.

During these yearly checks, pay close attention to the chimney crown and the flashing. I found out the hard way that cracks in the crown or badly fitted flashing will eventually let water in. You definitely don't want that because it can cause serious damage over time. A bit of care now can stop major problems in the future.

If you've already seen some damage, it's important to address things like repointing the brickwork and repairing or even replacing the chimney crown. I've seen how these repairs can block water from entering. Also, making sure your chimney has the right counterflashing can prevent water from seeping behind the shingles, which is a common problem in older homes.

Remember your gutter system as well. Poorly functioning or clogged gutters let water overflow and collect around your chimney base, which makes the problem worse.

For those with a wood stove and chimney, which makes sure all pipe connections are airtight, it is really important to prevent leaks. Though it might be tempting to just use some sealant on an older chimney, it's best to avoid non-breathable types. I've found that these can trap moisture inside the bricks - doing more harm than good.

Honestly, applying a waterproofing treatment designed specifically for chimneys is one of the most helpful preventative measures. These products are great as they block water from entering while letting moisture escape, protecting against damage from freeze-thaw cycles that can severely damage your bricks.

Install or Replace the Chimney Cap

One of the first thoughts that comes to my mind when it starts raining is if water is getting into my house through the chimney. Having a strong chimney cap is important - especially if you want to avoid problems when the weather turns bad.

A good-quality chimney cap is really important for the safety of your fireplace and chimney. It prevents items that could block the chimney - this precaution helps avoid severe problems like chimney fires or carbon monoxide entering your home. Also a useful chimney cap keeps out moisture which is really helpful in maintaining your chimney's condition for a much longer period.

Putting in a new chimney cap isn't too difficult. I always check if the old cap is damaged or just missing. Picking the right size for a new one is important. Typically, the diameters are 5 or 6 inches. If an old cap is in place, you have to remove it first and make sure the new cap fits properly afterward. Sometimes, changing the fit with a crimping tool is needed.

After making sure the cap fits perfectly, I check that it is level, and then I tighten it with a cordless drill and some self-drilling sheet metal screws. Usually, three screws are enough to make sure the cap remains secure even in windy conditions or if animals are present.

While doing it yourself can save money and is pretty satisfying, it can also be difficult to work at heights or use specialized tools. I usually recommend friends hire an expert if they're not comfortable climbing on the roof or if they want to make sure the job is done correctly without having to do it themselves.

Taking care of your chimney cap installation keeps water out and also plays a big job in maintaining the safety and functionality of your chimney. Based on my own experiences with my installations - even though it might seem minor - getting it right really helps the efficiency and lifespan of your chimney.

Monitor the Chimney After Repairs

Dealing with a leaking chimney in the middle of a rainstorm is never fun. Apparently, even after fixing it, the job was never done. You have to keep a sharp eye on things after the repair to make sure everything's really fixed and to prevent any new problems from occurring. Learning this the hard way taught me to recommend that you do the same - especially when it rains again. Just check for any new leaks.

I now add regular chimney inspections to my schedule and have a chimney expert come over at least once a year for a complete check. Catching any new issues early on - before they get worse - is a better strategy than dealing with another big mess.

Having an expert perform a water test has also proven very helpful as it simulates heavy rain to make sure the repairs hold up. This test once showed a small leak I hadn't seen before, which saved me a lot of trouble and money in the future.

Introducing the chimney cap and crown. I make sure the cap's secure and the crown's intact to keep water from getting in and ruining all the hard work from before. The same goes for the flashing and mortar joints - regular checks can show any damage or gaps that need timely repair.

If you have a chimney, you probably understand the frustration of dealing with condensation. I've seen this issue, too. To avoid any problems, I always make sure there is good ventilation and the right insulation for the chimney. Watching the indoor humidity levels and sometimes checking the fireplace really reduces condensation. Left unchecked, condensation can seriously hurt your home.

Watching for any structural issues - like cracks or areas where moisture is getting into the masonry - is also smart. Addressing these problems quickly lets you keep the chimney's sturdiness. Also, if your chimney has been relined during repairs, it's helpful to inspect the lining every now and again for any wear or damage. Keeping a complete record of all inspections, repairs, and maintenance work makes tracking the chimney's condition over time easier and makes it easier to make future decisions.

Free Inspections Prevent Disaster From Happening

Things pile up at home easily, and before you know it, you'll face a much bigger mess than expected. Your chimney works the same way. Having an expert inspect your chimney soon - preferably before the rainy season begins - is a wise decision. Addressing problems early can help you avoid headaches and save money later. With a clean chimney, you'll encounter less moisture issues and a reduced risk of structural damage.

When did an expert last inspect your chimney? If it's been a while, think about getting a cleaning annually. Watch for signs of wear, like damaged flashings or a rusty chimney cap. These could point to more severe issues later. Regular checks are important, especially if your chimney has had recent repairs. This is to make sure everything remains in good order. Keeping your home safe and dry is really important, right?

When are you thinking about getting your chimney ready for the upcoming storm? Our team at Colony Roofers is here to help you. Our pros are skilled in both commercial and residential roofing across Georgia, Florida, and Texas. They are knowledgeable and will help. No one enjoys catching drips with a bucket inside their house.

Call us for a free roof check-up. Let our team make sure your roof and chimney are in prime condition. It's always best to err on the side of caution. Expert advice from a reliable pro like us can give you peace of mind. Contact us today - we're committed to helping you keep a safe property and making sure you have peace of mind!