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Roofs and Lightning: Prevention, False Alarms and Repairs

Written by Zach Reece | Aug 23, 2024 5:32:00 PM

Did you know Americans face more than $1 billion in property damage from lightning strikes each year in the United States? We'll talk about ways to stay away from damage, expose myths, and learn when to manage repairs.

If you live in a lightning-prone area, you need some useful information to start addressing these issues better. The goal here as a roofing company is to prevent damage to your roof, clear up these misconceptions, and show you some helpful steps for repairs.

Let's get started and talk about this. It's an interesting topic, to say the least!

How Can Lightning Damage Roofs?

Lightning can damage your roof in lots of ways. You should know the damage it can cause and why to worry about it. First, there's the fire danger. Lightning can set flammable things like roof trusses and insulation on fire. Have you heard of houses catching fire without a direct hit? Electrical energy running through wiring and plumbing can create sparks. It's scary!

Now, you should think about structural damage. Think about a shock wave strong enough to break chimney bricks and knock off shingles - that's lightning. And remember gutters because they can come loose or tear away from the intense energy - the heat is extreme enough to melt or warp metal parts. Really think about dealing with that mess.

Next, you have electrical system disruptions. Often, lightning can travel through your home's electrical wiring and cause power surges. This can ruin your electronics and your appliances. Maybe think about your expensive TV and your special vinyl collection. Worse - the electrical energy can jump across air gaps, ruining insulation and causing electrical shorts. So risky!

Also, your roof material matters as well. Actually, no material is completely safe - but some are more well-built than others. Likely metal roofs might melt under the heat and asphalt shingles could get deformed.

So what to do about it? You might start to create a metal roof lightning protection system. These systems divert electrical energy away from your home and reduce the danger of serious damage. Got hit by lightning recently? Then, next, check your roof closely. Hidden damage can silently wreck your home's structure.

Dealing with lightning isn't a one-time thing. Really, regular vigilance counts - maybe think of it like caring for your car or updating your software - must-do steps to keep everything running well.

What Are Common Myths About Lightning?

Let's clear up what you think about lightning and roofs.

You might really believe metal roofs draw more lightning. That's actually not true! Interestingly, what attracts lightning isn't the roof material; it's the height, shape, and isolation of the building. So, if you're considering getting a metal roof, you don't need to worry about that myth!

Interestingly, you might also think lightning rods steer away from all damage. They do protect tall buildings by directing lightning to the ground, but they aren't perfect - their success depends on how well they are really installed and grounded. Think of lightning rods as part of a bigger safety plan, not the sole answer.

Maybe some think metal roofs get wrecked if struck by lightning. Actually, metal roofs often disperse electrical charges safely. Metal doesn't ignite, so it deals with energy well and cuts back on fire dangers.

You might think you have heard lying flat on the ground cuts back on your danger of being struck by lightning. Sadly, that's wrong. Lying flat just increases the danger of ground currents, which can be deadly. Instead, try to find shelter in a sturdy building or a car with a hard top.

Do you think lightning never strikes the same place twice? It does, and quite frequently! Sometimes, tall, pointy, and isolated structures actually get struck multiple times.

What about no rain or clouds meaning you're safe from lightning? Unfortunately, lightning can actually strike from over three miles away from a storm, so clear skies don't give you a guarantee of safety. It's really always smart to be cautious during a thunderstorm, even if the sky appears clear.

Some might think a lightning victim is full of electricity and can't be really touched. This isn't true. The human body doesn't keep electricity, so you can safely touch a lightning victim to give first aid faster. Quick help might save lives.

And then those tales about rubber tires protecting you from lightning? It's really the car's metal body that keeps you safe. Interestingly, metal acts like a Faraday cage - that lets the electric charge flow around the car and not harm you inside.

Tips to Protect Your Roof From Lightning

Protect your roof from lightning with easy steps that save you trouble later! Just to give you an example - install lightning rods to direct strikes to the ground and reduce the danger of damage and fires. Use copper or aluminum rods for their solid conductivity. Always make sure they're grounded the right way to stay away from electrical surges and provide lightning a safe path to follow.

Next, remember to add surge protectors, especially whole-home ones, for extra defense. Likely, this shields your electrical systems from voltage spikes that come with lightning strikes. Use point-of-use surge protectors too, but for the best protection, it makes sense to get a whole-home system. For the best results, buying one might sound like overkill - protecting all your appliances and devices makes sense in the long run.

Always ground your electrical system the right way and be sure to install separate grounding rods for lightning protection and electrical systems. This avoids high currents damaging your setup during a strike. Even though it might feel pretty technical, so let pros handle it. Also, always make sure your electrical system is grounded to reduce dangers.

Remember regular roof inspections. Doing yearly visual checks can find small issues that can be fixed promptly. Maybe get professional inspections every five years for more complete checks - these include continuity and ground testing to ensure everything works right. It's like a health check-up for your roof!

For better results, sometimes I recommend you hire pros for installation and maintenance. Expert installers can add lightning protection systems to your roofing to ensure everything is set up the right way. Also, these pros advise regular inspections and maintenance to keep the systems effective. Remember that cutting corners here - really isn't worth it!

Really, costs are inevitable. The initial expense of adding lightning protection might feel a bit scary, but these systems can stay away from big damage and save you money on future repairs or replacements. Also, always review your insurance policy for coverage on lightning damage because some policies might cover repair and replacement costs and provide financial relief. You're preserving your home and peace of mind!

Identifying Signs of Lightning Damage

Note the signs of lightning damage on your roof - they're not always obvious, so keep an eye out.

Always check your shingles and attic surfaces for scorch marks. These burn marks really show that a lightning strike hit. How intense the heat needed to scorch your roof is! Also, look for unusual roof leaks in places that usually stay dry and take them as a clue. Sometimes, lightning can crack or create holes, which leads to unexpected leaks. So when you note water in new places, take a closer look.

Also, watch for damaged electrical wiring. You should pay attention if you've experienced tripped circuit breakers and strange noises from outlets or switches. Usually, these could signal lightning damage, so be alert. Even buckling or missing shingles might show your roof took a hit. Actually, shingles can curl, split, or even become completely dislodged. You might not see the damage from the ground - climb up for a closer look or hire a professional.

Remember to find discolored places on your roof, especially those that look singed. Lightning sometimes leaves physical evidence like burned patches. Routinely check your chimney bricks and roof flashing for cracks or loose parts, which can seem small and create entry points for water and cause bigger problems down the line.

If any appliances act up, sometimes a voltage surge from lightning can break electronics and electrical systems. Next, keep an eye on malfunctions and appliances that just stop working. Apropos of this, lightning doesn't only hit your roof - it causes problems throughout your home!

Actively look for missing or loose shingles, melted ones, and holes in your roof. Often, lightning's extreme heat and energy can cause major roof damage. Missing shingles may not seem like a big deal at first, but they can cause more damage if neglected.

Finally, take note of unusual smells. Sometimes smelling melting plastic or smoke can directly point to electrical damage from lightning! If your house starts to smell after a storm, you should look into it immediately. When dealing with lightning damage, early detection becomes extremely important.

How to Handle False Alarms?

False alarms about lightning strikes can really stress you out. If you ask for advice, telling real lightning damage from other roof issues changes everything. You should take a few easy steps to check the damage more accurately.

Keep in mind that sometimes thunderstorms and power outages don't always mean that lightning hit your roof. You might sometimes mistake storm debris for something worse. Loose shingles, broken bricks, and torn gutters usually cause the trouble. Did you find wind damage, like missing or cracked roof tiles? It's probably from the storm's force and not lightning. Watch for these signs and keep calm!

Consider that water leaks usually blamed on lightning sometimes have other causes. Always look for discoloration and warping on walls and ceilings. Check around windows, doors, and roof vents for moisture and get some clues. Sometimes, these issues come from poor sealing or age - not lightning. No need to call in the experts - but maybe.

Most of the time, you won't miss real lightning damage, but it's rare. Fire, smoke, and odd odors like melted plastic are big red flags. Whenever you note structural damage or hissing and humming sounds near outlets, take these signs seriously. When in doubt, bring in an expert to check things over for you.

To lower the chance of false alarms in your security system, ground it the right way and use surge protectors for power and phone lines. These devices safely redirect electrical currents to the ground and cut down on false alarms. It's smart to make sure your battery backup stays charged and working! A well-designed and maintained system shouldn't go off randomly.

Sometimes, little steps help you stay calm. Know how to disarm your alarm faster when you get home and teach everyone at home how it works to cut down on false alarms. I recommend you keep pets and other things that might trigger motion detectors away from sensor zones and stop needless alarms.

It's wise to keep your roof and alarm system in good shape to save yourself trouble and money! Always tell your remote monitoring center when you work on your system so they know and can help without freaking out.

Protect The Roof Over Your Head

Take care of your roof and you'll keep your home looking nice. Additionally, you'll also protect everything inside. You will feel much better knowing your roof manages harsh weather and heavy rain. Life could be even easier without worrying every time a storm approaches. Always follow these steps to protect your home - and take action now!

First, check your roof for damage. You might feel uneasy checking for loose shingles. Do you ever wonder if professional inspections are necessary? A lot of homeowners aren't roofing experts, and that's okay! Sometimes, finding a loose or missing shingle can be pretty stressful, but you have a chance to act fast and avoid bigger problems later. Fixing issues early means saving you from stress and a lot of money in the long run - priceless peace of mind.

Next, find a trusted professional to inspect and repair. Roofing isn't a DIY job - safety and accuracy really matter! Most professionals are here to help. Have you thought about hiring roofing pros? Their skills are helpful even when tiny signs of wear are actually spotted early. This can definitely stop expensive damage before it starts.

Choose Colony Roofers (that's us!) for your roofing needs. We handle commercial and residential roofing projects. Our offices are in Georgia, Florida, and Texas. Protect your investment and safety by trusting us to help you with your roof repairs. I suggest you contact us today for a free inspection. Let us take care of your roof with the professionalism it deserves - your home deserves it! We have expert advice and top-notch repair and installation services. Get in touch today!