
How to Prevent Your Roof From Getting Damaged By Hail

Hailstorms can really catch you by surprise and then leave you rushing to check on your roof for any possible damage. That feeling of anxiety really hits when you look up after a storm. You see the dents or the broken shingles up there on the roof.

It's really a must to manage the hail damage right away in order to keep your home safe and protected.

When the hail falls, your roof is out there, and it always takes the hit first. The size of the hailstones may affect the kind of damage that you could actually end up seeing. Just think about the small hailstones that are the size of peas. They could only leave small marks or tiny scuffs on your roof. It might not seem like that big of a problem at first glance. But over time, those small places may turn into leaks or other issues if you simply ignore them.

The bigger hailstones - like those the size of golf balls - can cause some really serious damage. They could easily crack the shingles, break the tiles, or even make holes in your roof. Research actually shows that hailstones over one inch in size might cause damage to the different parts of your roof. Strong winds may really make the hail hit harder. Hail that's denser could be like actual stones dropping from the sky.

Your roof is even more in danger if it's an older one. What could just be a small ding on a new roof might become a crack on an older one. It's always smart to check your roof after a hailstorm occurs. Or you could even have someone else professionally check it for you. When you find problems early, you may really save some money and stay away from the bigger issues later. You should always document all of the damage for insurance reasons. Even the small dents should be written down because they might get much worse over time.

When it's taken care of, your roof will manage just about whatever the weather throws at it!

Let's dig in.

Can Your Roof Hold Up To Hailstorms?

Your roof's ability to manage hail is something that you really need to think about sooner rather than later.

First off, as roofs get older, their strength could become weaker. Older roofs, like those with asphalt shingles or clay tiles, can become brittle after a while. This makes them more likely to suffer damage from hail. Even small hailstones may cause trouble if your roof's been around for a long time. You really don't want to see those granules all over your yard!

Then you have to think about the material of your roof. You might see that asphalt shingles are at risk with hailstones that are only an inch wide. Small hail doesn't always mean small problems, you know? Metal roofs, though, are usually harder. Quality zinc-aluminum alloy steel could stand up to hailstones up to 2.5 inches across. It'll give you some peace when the storm clouds roll in. I've seen that having a roof that lasts is a must. Metal might be an option to think about.

You might not realize it but your roof being installed the right way is really a must. A poorly installed roof doesn't have the strength that it needs when the bad weather comes. It puts the whole roof in danger, which means it may get more hail damage. You should hire people who know what they're doing to make sure it's done right.

A Strong Roof-1

You're really going to want to check your roof after a big storm. Dents, cracks, and holes aren't hard to see. But hidden damage might still cause as much trouble. Internal splits and missing granules might cause issues if they aren't looked at. In my experience, it's better to fix a small issue now than to end up with a giant problem later.

Standards in the industry may help you pick some good options. Hail-resistant shingles with a Class 4 rating are suggested because they're strong against hail. That's always a great bonus!

Being proactive is really a must when it comes to your own roof. Don't wait for damage before taking action. Regular maintenance and checks can keep your roof strong. A bit of work now might help it to last longer and save you from hail troubles.

We've covered the basics, so let's talk about when would be a good time to call a roof inspector!

When Should You Call a Roof Inspector?

Getting your roof checked by an expert really isn't just another job on your to-do list. It's really about keeping your house safe for a long time. You're probably just looking at your roof and thinking that it looks okay. From where you're standing right now, it does. I used to think that way, too, until an inspector told me that the looks could actually be tricky. When a storm has passed, you might think that calling in the experts is just more work for you. But it's a step that really does help quite a bit in the long run. You can see it as a way to save yourself from all the really big problems later on.

The experts actually do quite a bit here. They have special tools like heat cameras to find wet places that you can't even see. Some even have drones to look at places that are really tough to reach. This makes sure that they can check every single part of your roof. That could actually turn out to cost you quite a bit more money in the end. You want to call someone who knows where to look for problems.

A Person Using a Heat Camera

There may be a small leak up there that's slowly getting worse over time. I've got a friend who found a little drip just in time and avoided the severe water damage! To pay for a roof inspection now is much better than having to find all the big repair bills later. It's better for your own wallet and for your own personal peace of mind.

The right inspector actually does matter quite a bit in the very end. You should look for someone with proper papers from places like the NRCIA or InterNACHI. You should also think about if they've ever worked on your kind of roof before. I think that it's smart to ask your friends and family or people nearby for names they trust.

But if you stall on your roof check, you might accidentally let all that hidden damage get worse. That may change a small fix into a very big problem with the entire building structure. That's not good.

When you act sooner is smart - you may thank yourself for keeping away from a big mess later on.

Review Your Insurance Coverage

You should review your insurance policy to see what it says about the damage from hail.

You might not think about it at first. However, your deductibles and exclusions could change what your coverage includes. Nobody wants a big surprise when the hailstorm comes.

Usually, the home insurance you have covers the damage caused by hail. But that doesn't mean everything will be easy and smooth. Lots of people only learn about the special deductibles when they file a claim. In places where hail is common, there may be a special deductible for only the wind and hail damage. This deductible is sometimes a percentage of your home coverage and not a fixed amount of money. So when the damage is less than that deductible, your adjuster won't pay for your special patio furniture.

It's good to know that sometimes the items that look damaged may not be covered. Some insurance plans may not cover the damage that only changes how your roof looks. That is if it still works fine. Imagine hoping for a free new roof and then learning that your policy won't pay for it.

A Home Insurance Agent

The actions you take when you file a claim really matter. You should tell your insurance company as soon as you see the damage. You want to avoid missing any deadlines since that might leave you without coverage. It's a good plan to hire an expert to look at your whole roof. Don't just depend on the few pictures from your phone alone. The clear and complete documents will really help you later.

Confusion could cost you quite a bit. People confuse the damage that's only about looks with real problems. And those problems your roof had before? Now, if your roof had trouble before the policy started, then those most likely won't be covered. It's sort of like the insurer not paying for a pizza you never ordered from them. When you take care of your roof, it may help you prevent bad surprises.

Before the next storm comes you might use some time to check your policy. Look at the shingles that resist damage - they might really save you and could even get you discounts. Your insurer can help you quite a bit but only if you know how to work with them. Make sure you know how to file the claims and don't feel shy about asking questions.

When you look for new insurance try to get the full coverage. The policies that let you choose different deductible options and extra options like better roof replacement are great. They're almost like a second safety net. You should know the laws in your state that could help stop the rate hikes after a claim. Stay smart and you'll manage when the weather changes.

How Repairs Improve Your Roof's Lifespan

When you take care of the roof fixes right away, you're looking out for your own home's future. The hailstones really fall down hard, and your roof might get hit hard, too - those dent marks aren't a joke. But believe me, what seems like a little issue now could turn into a waterfall inside your very own home later.

But if you ignore the hail problems then you're asking for trouble. Leaks might start to show up, and water damage is a big issue that you really want to avoid. Water really works its way into the tightest places. This leads to mold and to big structural issues that may put your whole house in danger. It can be a living nightmare.

The small fixes cost less and they're very quick but they may only solve the problems for a short time. To replace a few shingles or to patch the small holes might actually help with some little problems. But if there's bigger cracks hiding you could even spend much more money later.

The very serious fixes are like finally signing up for that gym. You've been putting it off for a long time already. They could cost more and take more time, but they'll get to the real problem. You get peace of mind when you replace the big parts of your roof. You also make the structure stronger. The warranties come with it, so it's a good choice, too.

A Major Roof Repair Project

When it's time for a full roof change - a new roof makes your home really look good. It might also add to its overall worth. It's by far the most expensive choice. But the help with saving energy may just save you money on your bills in the long run. It'll, of course, shake up your schedule a bit.

To balance out all the costs might seem like quite a bit. But it's good to think about all the gains in the long run. I once saw that fixing the hail problems fast really saved someone quite a bit. To stop the problems from piling up can make a giant difference. This includes the big fixes and the high insurance costs.

Experts say that regular checks and fast fixes may make your roof last longer. They could even protect it against storms. Keep your home's defenses strong so you don't get caught by surprise when the next storm shows up. Always make the necessary fixes a priority, and your wallet will thank you later.

Protect The Roof Over Your Head

We can't change what Mother Nature gives us, but we can get ready with better choices and actions. Have you ever thought about ways to get your home ready for tough conditions like hail?

Most of the time, every choice you make adds to your roof's strength. From the quick fixes to the big changes, each choice matters. It also affects how long it lasts for you. The confidence that you've when you learn that your roof can manage the rough weather feels really special.

A Home With a Strong Roof

Always remember that making better choices may become easier when you're working with experts. That's where we at Colony Roofers come in - we're all about helping out.

We take care of commercial and residential roofs, and we're right here in Georgia, Florida, and Texas. Are you worried about how to keep your investment safe? Just reach out for a free inspection of your roof. Let our expert team take care of your roofing problems with the care and skill that your home really needs.